Claim Galxe NFT
This only applies to EVM chains
Claim api requires recaptcha by default. To setup integration without recaptcha, please contact Galxe.
Claim OAT:
GraphQL API: here
1. Get Campaign Info:
Use GraphQL API get campaign info
2. Call Claim API: Use GraphQL API to claim
Request args:
Response: claim success
Claim Gas Campaign NFT:
GraphQL API: here
SpaceStation: store campaign fee and claim NFT smart contract
1. Get Campaign Info:
Use GraphQL API get campaign info
2. Get Campaign Fee Info: Get fee from smart contract
Call SpaceStation.campaignFeeConfigs
3. Get claim info: Use GraphQL API get claim info from backend
Request args:
3.1 Claim NFT on No cap campaign:
- numberID: 8244
- hashID: GCBu6UUWvJ
- no ERC20 fee
- no ETH fee
3.2 Claim NFT on cap campaign:
- numberID:
- hashID:
- cap: 100
- no ERC20 fee
- no ETH fee
3.4 Claim NFT with ETH fee on cap campaign
- numberID: 1369
- hashID: GCmjeUUi44
- cap: 8000
- no ERC20 fee
- ETH fee: 100 Ether
3.3 Claim NFT with ERC20 fee on cap campaign:
- numberID: 849
- hashID: GCWzyUUnf9
- cap: 10000
- ERC20 Amount: 19.9
- no ETH fee
- Check ERC20 approval
- Is not approval, need user approve
- Call SpaceStation.ClaimCapped
SpaceStation Contract
Function Signature:
- Claim: claim one NFT with no cap campaign
- ClaimCapped: claim NFT with cap campaign
- campaignFeeConfigs: get campaign fee info
- numMinted: get cap campaign claimed NFT count
SpaceStation Contract ABI:
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