Proof Generation & Verification Workflow
Hands-On Zero-Knowledge Proofs with Galxe Identity Protocol
This tutorial guides you through the process of issuing and verifying credentials using Galxe Identity Protocol on Ethereum. You will learn how to create and sign a credential, generate a zero-knowledge proof, and perform both on-chain and off-chain verifications.
- Basic understanding of Ethereum and smart contracts.
- Node.js installed on your machine.
- An IDE or text editor for writing JavaScript code.
Step 1: Setup and initialize Nodejs repo
In your Node.js repo, run:
npm install @galxe-identity-protocol/sdk ethers
Step 2: Import necessary dependencies and setup issuer
Note that the dummy issuer has been registered on Ethereum mainnet. Check out the registration transaction here.
This issuer is registered with the following parameters:
parameter | type | input |
name | string | demo-issuer (don’t trust me) |
verificationStackId | uint8 | 1 |
publicKeyId | uint256 | 1743582416365651167392966598529843347617363862106697818328310770809664607117 |
publicKeyRaw | bytes | 0x1adaddae1888a2b6e91240896f5e50379520137f76c424755217ade00f8b2d185a05a904d745ee24692d91cf74425d4271817e64e630115469f3f289d0d06b2f |
verificationStackId = 1
means that this issuer is registered for babyzk stack
import {
} from "@galxe-identity-protocol/sdk";
import { ethers } from "ethers";
// conviniently unwrap the result of a function call by throwing an error if the result is an error.
const unwrap = errors.unwrap;
// Use cloudflare's free open rpc in this example.
const MAINNET_RPC = "";
const provider = new ethers.JsonRpcProvider(MAINNET_RPC);
// This is a dummy issuer's EVM address that has been registered on mainnet.
// Because it authroize the private key that is public to everyone,
// it should not be used in production!
const dummyIssuerEvmAddr = "0x15f4a32c40152a0f48E61B7aed455702D1Ea725e";
Step 3: Issue a new credential
Note that this context has been registered on Ethereum mainnet. Check out the registration transaction here.
async function issuingProcess(userEvmAddr: string, userIdc: bigint) {
// 1. First of all, we must create the type of the credential.
// In this example, Let's use the primitive type Scalar.
const typeSpec = credType.primitiveTypes.scalar;
const tp = unwrap(credType.createTypeFromSpec(typeSpec));
// 2. Creating a credential based on the type.
// In general, this is when the issuer decides "claims" about the user.
// Because we are issuing a credential that represents the number of transactions,
// let's fetch it from the Ethereum network.
const txCount = await provider.getTransactionCount(userEvmAddr);
// The contextID is a unique identifier representing the context of the credential.
// We will just use the string "Number of transactions".
// NOTE: The contextID must be registered on the chain before issuing the credential for visibility.
const contextID = credential.computeContextID("Number of transactions");
// Now, let's create the credential.
const newCred = unwrap(
type: tp,
contextID: contextID,
userID: BigInt(userEvmAddr),
val: BigInt(txCount).toString(), // credential value, number of transactions
// Add additional attributes to the credential attachments, if needed
// these attributes will not be part of the zero-knowledge proof, but
// they will be signed by the issuer as well.
// So, you must add them before signing the credential.
newCred.attachments["creativity"] = "uncountable";
// 3. Signing the credential.
// After the credential is created, it must be signed by the issuer.
// The issuer must have been registered on the chain, at least on the chain of the supplied ChainID.
// Registering the issuer on more chains is recommended for better interoperability.
// Also, the signing key's keyID must be active correspondingly on chains.
// For demonstration purposes, we use the dummy issuer with a publicly known key.
// The dummy issuer has been registered on etheruem mainnet, and the following key is also activated.
// Don't use this issuer or key in production!
const issuerID = BigInt(dummyIssuerEvmAddr);
const issuerChainID = BigInt(1); // mainnet
// A mock private key for the signer, which is used to sign the credential.
// This key has been registered and activated on mainnet by the dummy issuer.
const dummyKey = utils.decodeFromHex(
const issuerPk = dummyKey;
// create a new issuer object using the private key, issuerID, and issuerChainID.
const myIssuer = new issuer.BabyzkIssuer(issuerPk, issuerID, issuerChainID);
// sign the credential to user's identity commitment, with a unique signature id and expiration date.
myIssuer.sign(newCred, {
sigID: BigInt(100),
expiredAt: BigInt(
Math.ceil(new Date().getTime() / 1000) + 7 * 24 * 60 * 60
), // assuming the credential will be expired after 7 days
identityCommitment: userIdc,
// all done, return the credential to the owner.
return newCred;
Step 4: Proof generation
async function proofGenProcess(myCred: credential.Credential, u: user.User) {
// Now issuer can issue a credential to the user.
// In this example, we will issue a credential that represents the number of transactions,
// that the user has made on the Ethereum, at the time of issuance.
// Assuming that the user has received the credential,
// user can generate a zk proof to prove that he has sent more than 500 transactions, but no more than 5000.
// Let's first decide the external nullifier for the proof.
const externalNullifier = utils.computeExternalNullifier(
"Galxe Identity Protocol tutorial's verification"
// Now we need to fetch the proof generation gadgets. It is explicitly fetched outside the proof generation function
// because usually, the proof generation gadgets are stored in a remote server, and may be large (3-10MB).
// It's highly recommended to cache the proof generation gadgets locally.
console.log("downloading proof generation gadgets...");
const proofGenGagets = await user.User.fetchProofGenGadgetsByTypeID(
console.log("proof generation gadgets are downloaded successfully.");
// Finally, let's generate the proof.
const proof = await u.genBabyzkProof(
// proof generation options
expiratedAtLowerBound: BigInt(
Math.ceil(new Date().getTime() / 1000) + 3 * 24 * 60 * 60
), // assume that we want to verify that the credential is still valid after 3 days.
externalNullifier: externalNullifier,
equalCheckId: BigInt(0), // do not reveal the credential's actual id, which is the evm address in this example
// Instead, claim to be Mr.Deadbeef. It's verifier's responsibility to verify that
// the pseudonym is who he claims to be, after verifying the proof.
pseudonym: BigInt("0xdeadbeef"),
// statements to be proved, in this case, we want to prove that the credential's first uint248 value is between 500 and 5000, inclusively.
[new statement.ScalarStatement(new claimType.ScalarType(248), 500n, 5000n)]
return proof;
Step 5: Proof verification
Proof verification can be made both on-chain and off-chain. Here we demonstrates both options:
On-chain verification
async function verifyByCallingEvmStatefulVerifier(
proof: babyzkTypes.WholeProof
): Promise<boolean> {
// As a verifier, we must decide the expected
// contextID, issuerID, and typeID of the credential.
const expectedContextID = credential.computeContextID(
"Number of transactions"
const expectedIssuerID = BigInt(dummyIssuerEvmAddr);
const expectedTypeID = credType.primitiveTypes.scalar.type_id;
// A proof can be verified both on-chain or off-chain.
// Let's take a look at the on-chain verification first.
// It is just 1 simple function call.
const statefulVerifier = evm.v1.createBabyzkStatefulVerifier({
signerOrProvider: provider,
const statefulVerifierResult = await statefulVerifier.verifyWholeProofFull(
if (statefulVerifierResult !== evm.VerifyResult.OK) {
"Proof verification failed, reason: ",
} else {
console.log("On-chain stateful proof verification is successful.");
return true;
Off-chain verification
async function verifyByOffchain(
proof: babyzkTypes.WholeProof
): Promise<boolean> {
// As a verifier, we must decide the expected
// contextID, issuerID, and typeID of the credential.
const expectedContextID = credential.computeContextID(
"Number of transactions"
const expectedIssuerID = BigInt(dummyIssuerEvmAddr);
const expectedTypeID = credType.primitiveTypes.scalar.type_id;
// Alternatively, you can use the off-chain verification.
// When using off-chain verification, you must first get the verification key.
// You can embed the verification key in your application, or fetch it from a remote server.
// We will fetch the verification key from the chain in this example.
// The first step is to do a static proof verification, making sure that the zk proof is valid.
const tpRegistry = evm.v1.createTypeRegistry({
signerOrProvider: provider,
const verifier = await tpRegistry.getVerifier(
const vKey = await verifier.getVerificationKeysRaw();
// off-chain proof verification
const verifyResult = await babyzk.verifyProofRaw(vKey, proof);
console.log("off-chain static proof verification result: ", verifyResult);
// NOTE: you can also do the static proof verification part on-chain
// See the commented code below.
// const onChainVerifyResult = await verifier.verifyWholeProof(proof);
// console.log(
// "on-chain static proof verification result: ",
// onChainVerifyResult
// );
// After the static proof verification is successful, you will need to do
// some addition on-chain stateful checks and off-chain checks.
// Check If the public key is active.
const IssuerRegistry = evm.v1.createIssuerRegistry({
signerOrProvider: provider,
const pubkeyId = babyzk.defaultPublicSignalGetter(
if (pubkeyId === undefined) {
return false;
// check on-chain if the public key is active by the issuer.
const isActive = await IssuerRegistry.isPublicKeyActiveForStack(
if (!isActive) {
console.error("The public key is not active.");
return false;
// some off-chain checks
const contextId = babyzk.defaultPublicSignalGetter(
if (contextId === undefined) {
console.error("Context ID is not found in the proof.");
return false;
if (contextId !== expectedContextID) {
`Context ID is not as expected: ${contextId}, expected: ${expectedContextID}`,
`${typeof contextId}, ${typeof expectedContextID}`
return false;
const expiredAtLb = babyzk.defaultPublicSignalGetter(
if (expiredAtLb === undefined) {
console.error("Expiration time is not found in the proof.");
return false;
if (expiredAtLb < BigInt(Math.ceil(new Date().getTime() / 1000))) {
console.error("The credential is expired.");
return false;
// NOTE: you will need to check if the credential is revoked or not, if the credential type supports revocation.
// We will not cover the revocation in this example, because we used a primitive type that does not support revocation.
console.log("Off-chain verification is successful.");
return true;
Step 6: Put it all together
async function main() {
// prepare must be called by the application before any other function.
await prepare();
// The very first step is to create a user with a random identity.
// This should be done on user's device and the identity should be stored securely.
const u = new user.User();
const evmIdSlice = u.createNewIdentitySlice("evm");
// User's identity commitment is computed based on the secrets of the identity slice.
// You can also retrive the identity commitment from the identity slice.
const userIdc = user.User.computeIdentityCommitment(evmIdSlice);
// let's use a famous Ethereum address in this example.
const userEvmAddr = "0xd8dA6BF26964aF9D7eEd9e03E53415D37aA96045";
// Issuer's process: issuing a credential to the user.
const myCred = await issuingProcess(userEvmAddr, userIdc);
console.log("Credential is issued successfully.");
// User's process: generating a zk proof to prove some statements about the credential.
const proof = await proofGenProcess(myCred, u);
console.log("Proof is generated successfully.", proof);
// Verification process: verifying the proof.
await verifyByCallingEvmStatefulVerifier(proof);
// Alternatively, you can verify the proof off-chain.
await verifyByOffchain(proof);
Example output
Credential is issued successfully.
"header": {
"version": "1",
"type": "3",
"context": "76531616260669148123754708449894501309630588037",
"id": "1238012972454248237435767387143779415173800484933"
"body": {
"val": "1230"
"signatures": [
"metadata": {
"verification_stack": 1,
"signature_id": "100",
"expired_at": "1713809756",
"identity_commitment": "607258966955358541979569552241800390247193769644933770458665842211944003189",
"issuer_id": "125344402375953606533377270523694284815265854046",
"chain_id": "1",
"public_key": "GtrdrhiIorbpEkCJb15QN5UgE392xCR1Uhet4A+LLRhaBakE10XuJGktkc90Ql1CcYF+ZOYwEVRp8/KJ0NBrLw=="
"signature": "JoCOG4g8Zh6HbRx6CiB8iT+IFRv7rODqkKOun/ZRPK+AXczTT/naAKDFPLmeSi9vJNmyivXJOTI0rrFZqqtPBA==",
"attachmentsSignature": "5BJbz+KoS3fNM/nIEHZ8dJNnNoI7Sfj9dyVuITPqOxu+7WDqQPZi8hRYWnWHbKwu7WyzaX/FwibgS/PHpY0DBA=="
"attachments": {
"creativity": "uncountable"
downloading proof generation gadgets...
proof generation gadgets are downloaded successfully.
Proof is generated successfully. {
proof: {
pi_a: [
pi_b: [ [Array], [Array], [Array] ],
pi_c: [
protocol: 'groth16',
curve: 'bn128'
publicSignals: [
On-chain stateful proof verification is successful.
off-chain static proof verification result: true
Off-chain verification is successful.
Congratulations! You’ve successfully issued a credential, generated a zero-knowledge proof, and verified it both on-chain and off-chain. This tutorial demonstrates the powerful capabilities of the Galxe Identity Protocol in maintaining privacy and security through zero-knowledge proofs.